CBAO to Fly to Washington D.C. on Annual Legislature Trip, May 1-4

On May 1-4, CBAO will be taking a group of  members to Washington D.C. to speak with legislature on important community banking topics. CBAO will be speaking with Congressman Lucas, Dr. Coburn,  Senator Inhofe and more. If you would like to attend CBAO on this event, please email Space is limited.

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Spring 2011 Horizon Banker Meeting- March 7th

The Horizon Banker Spring Meeting will be March 7 at 4pm in Oklahoma City at Ted’s Escondido. The law firm of Crowe & Dunlevy will be presenting on “Repossessions”. Come prepared with questions and after the session enjoy networking with fellow bankers during dinner. Click Here to Register.

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Anit-Money Laundering & BSA Compliance Seminar – February 23rd

A Complete Regulatory Update Including:
- Reorganization of the BSA Rules – New “Chapter X” in the CFR 
- Revised Examination Procedures – Latest Update
- Cross-Border Electronic Transmittal of Funds (CBETF) – New Rules 
- Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) – New Rulings (Anticipated) 
- Customer/Member Due Diligence “High-Risk” Clients
- Money Services Businesses (MSB) – New Rulings…

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