Leadership Retreat

2024 Leadership Retreat

February 14th - 16th  - The Henderson Beach Resort, Destin, FL

The CBAO Leadership Conference is designed to provide an opportunity to gain leadership knowledge, learn from top regulators, a panel regulated by CBAO’s banking attorney, Paul Foster; as well as, learn about timely information on the economy, interest rate trends, and investment strategies.


Book your room today at the beautiful Henderson Beach Resort (all water views!!!) by following the link below (Reservation cut-off-date is Friday, January 31st, 2024, there is a special group rate of $275.00)

Click here to reserve today - CBAO Leadership Retreat at The Henderson Beach Resort



Registration is Now Open


Member Banker and Associate - $620.00

Non-Member Banker - $720.00

*You must be an Associate Member in order to attend - click to join


AGENDA: Times Subject to Change

Wednesday, February 14th
Travel Day – Arrive at Your Leisure

5:00pm – 6:30pm - Welcome Reception- Beachside West Deck

Enjoy great company, delicious hors d’oeuvres and refreshments as we kickoff the 2024 Leadership Retreat looking over the Gulf of Mexico.

Thursday, February 15th
7:00am Registration and Breakfast

7:30am– Welcome and Greetings from the Oklahoma State Banking Department – Mick Thompson, Oklahoma Bank Commissioner

8:15am - Refreshments

8:30am – Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Payments – Manish Nathwani
Artificial Intelligence is a topic almost every industry is trying to grapple with.  The potential benefits and the uncomfortable challenges AI present make it hard to think strategically about. In this session we’ll give you a framework to think about new technologies and innovations like AI and how you might use them in your bank.  We’ll talk about the ways AI is already in the marketplace, enhancing payments, authentication and the customer experience.  We’ll also look down the road at the potential risks AI and it’s uses pose for banking in the future.

9:15am - Refreshments

9:30am– Remarks from Kansas City Fed President and CEO, Jeff Schmid, Federal Reserve
Jeff Schmid, who was named president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in August 2023, will provide remarks based on his nearly four decades of banking and banking supervision. As the regional headquarters of the nation’s central bank, the Kansas City Fed and its branches in Denver, Oklahoma City and Omaha serve the seven states of the Tenth Federal Reserve District: Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Wyoming, northern New Mexico and western Missouri.

10:30am – 3:45pm: Banker Networking:  Join your fellow bankers and delight in the beautiful Destin, FL.  Enjoy strolling around town for the day and appreciating the surroundings, resort life and many dining options.

4:00pm – 6:00pm: Banking Regulator Panel - Dynamic Interactive Question and Answer: Dudley Gilbert, Oklahoma State Banking Department; Terence Mack, OCC; Ryan Harwell, Federal Reserve; Joe Meade, FDIC - moderated by Paul Foster, CBAO General Counsel

6:30pm: Group Reception and Dinner

  • Group Reception is located at the Sunset Terrace. This will be followed by dinner on the Grand Lawn.

Friday, February 16th
8:00am Registration and Breakfast

8:30am:  Find Intelligent Loan Growth in 2024 and beyond! - Dallas Munkus
Community banks cannot ignore the negative loan growth pervading most parts of the industry.  Discover smart strategies to increase your loan volume and unlock new opportunities. This presentation will explore key approaches, including saying "yes" where you currently say "no," expanding product offerings, driving volume through effective marketing campaigns, and establishing strategic partnerships. Learn how to leverage existing and new data, test product expansion, optimize digital and traditional marketing channels, and select the right partners to maximize return and minimize risk. Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to take your lending operations to the next level!

9:15am: Refreshment Break

9:30am: Two-Way Street: Interest Rates Can Rise, And Fall! – Jim Reber
The last two months of 2023 saw an historic change in the interest rate landscape. Rates fell faster and further than the bond market had seen in decades. This didn’t unwind all the unrealized losses in community bank bond portfolios, but two important facts were revealed. First, there was the reminder that bond prices can actually rise. Secondly, and perhaps surprisingly, many community banks are now built to benefit from higher rates, which may or may not prevail in 2024. This session will have a quick recap to what we saw at the end of last year, and some current observations about the market’s expectations for the current year.

10:15am: Refreshment Break

10:30am: Employment Practices Liability (EPL) Risks and Trends - Stephen Niedwiecki
Education on the on the ongoing EPL trends in 2024 and tools to help mitigate EPL risk.

11:00am: Adjourn.


**All CBAO breakfasts & sessions will be located in the Crystal One Room. Dinner locations are provided next to each event listed in the agenda.**


Sponsorship Information

Leadership Retreat Sponsorship

We are excited to provide you with opportunities to promote, educate, spend time and stay in front of our Oklahoma community bankers.

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